Welcome to our website.
Our small family farm is located in the beautiful and clean nature of
the CHKO Broumovsko.
We are preparing a lot of beautiful experiences with our horses for you
and we are very much looking forward to your visit and our horses are
looking forward to you even more.
Possibility to purchase a permanent pass
valid for the whole year 2019
Price for 10 training hours is 3600, - CZK including VAT
Price for 10 rides to the field 3150, - CZK including VAT
You can already report to Equestrian
Summer Camp "Horses and Children" more information

Do not you still have a present?
Have a pleasure for some of your loved ones
and buy a voucher for them for one day trip, pony-lead, riding ring,
summer camp, riding for two days and other services we offer.